1-Isothiocyanato-7-(methylsulfonyl)-heptane is a synthetic compound that is related to sulforaphane and may display antioxidative activity.
Product Unit Size | Cost | Quantity | Stock |
1-Isothiocyanato-7-(methylsulfonyl)-heptane is a synthetic compound that is related to sulforaphane and may display antioxidative activity.
Purity | ≥98% |
Formula | C9H17NO2S2 |
Formula Wt. | 235.37 |
IUPAC Name | 1-Isothiocyanato-7-(methylsulfonyl)heptane |
Synonym | 7-Methylsulfonylheptyl isothiocyanate |
Appearance | White crystal powder |
Store Temp | -20°C |
Ship Temp | Ambient |
MSDS | |
Info Sheet |
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