7-(Methylsulfonyl)heptyl Thiocyanate is a synthetic compound that is related to sulforaphane.
Product Unit Size | Cost | Quantity | Stock |
7-(Methylsulfonyl)heptyl Thiocyanate is a synthetic compound that is related to sulforaphane.
Purity | ≥98% |
Formula | C9H17NO2S2 |
Formula Wt. | 235.36 |
Chemical Name | 7-(Methylsulfonyl)heptyl Thiocyanate |
Store Temp | -20°C |
Ship Temp | Ambient |
Info Sheet |
Nitrogen mustard, DNA alkylator.
Found in Cladosporium; PKC inhibitor.
SRPK1 inhibitor.
4-Hydroxytamoxifen prodrug; FIASMA, SERM, PKC i...
D2 and 5-HT2A antagonist.
Minor kavalactone originally found in Piper met...
β-lactam; penicillin binding protein inhibitor...
Notch inhibitor.
Voltage-gated Na+, Ca2+, K+ channel blocker, α...
mTOR activator.
NDRI inhibitor
Dihydropyridine; L-type Ca2+ channel blocker.
Aminoglycoside; protein translation inhibitor.<...
Juvenile insect hormone mimic.
α1-Adrenergic antagonist.
Endogenous peptide fragment, involved in vasoco...
PKC and S6 kinase substrate.
Synthetic peptide hormone, PTH analog; PTH1R ag...
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